Cavity Wall Insulation

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Cavity Wall Insulation

Uninsulated wall cavities account for 35% of the total heat loss from the average home

The Government regards cavity wall insulation as one of the most effective energy savings measures that most people can carry out on their homes and apart from saving money it is also major contributor to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide through the conservation of fuel and power.

The injection of cavity wall insulation is a relatively simple process by which insulation is injected into this cavity through a series of holes. The injected insulation will have been designed so that any water that does enter the cavity can drain away, whilst the insulation still reduces the heat loss through the wall.

Benefits of Cavity Wall Insulation

  • Free insulation survey for your home
  • Low Cost rates through grant funded schemes
  • Free insulation for people over 70 or benefits
  • Installation by approved and qualified fitters
  • 25 year guarantee on your cavity wall insulation
  • Easy application simply call Freephone 0800 849 1235 and we will do the rest